Advanced Lock & Safe is your
Bullhead City Locksmith
In 2025 the name will change to
Lock & Security to remain a family-owned and operated business.
(928) 768-5397
(928) 234-3801
City Locksmith / Fort Mohave Locksmith / Mohave Valley Locksmith
Our Services Include
100% mobile
services (by appointment only)
Emergency openings for cars, RV's, homes, businesses
Safe & Vault combo changes, repairs, openings.
Residential & Commercial security products & services
Rekeying/Masterkeying, High Security Locks/Restricted keyways
(Assa, Schlage Everest, etc.)
Replace lost keys for many locks (except
Access control, burglary/fire alarm
systems with home automation, remote access and 24 hour signal monitoring
Door locks, door closers, door openers, exit devices,
panic bars, etc.
We accept cash and major credit/debit cards

Service Area
Bullhead City, Fort Mohave, Mohave Valley, Oatman, Golden Shores, Topock
and Golden Valley
Mailing Address ONLY:
1900 Wendell Ave. Bullhead City, AZ 86442 Office Phone: (928) 768-5397
Cell Phone: (Voice/Text): (928) 234-3801
Hours of normal operation may vary by season. Currently we are
Sunday from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM Monday - Thursday from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Friday from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM Saturday from
10:00 AM to 9:00 PM
We no longer list an email address on this site due to abuse by spammers.
Not a licensed contractor per ARS 32-1211.A4, A9 and A14